Fr. dr hab.

Tomasz Jakubiak AKW Associate Professor

Fr. dr hab. Tomasz Jakubiak

Associate professor at the Catholic Academy in Warsaw

I was born on January 10, 1976 in Warsaw, where I attended Primary School No. 150 and 316. As a laureate of the Physics Olympiad, I was admitted to Klementyna Hoffmanowa high school in Warsaw. Having completed this high school in 1995, I joined the St. John the Baptist Higher Metropolitan Seminary and started studies in theology at the Pontifical Faculty of Theology in Warsaw (PWTW) John the Baptist Section (now: Catholic Academy in Warsaw [AKW]).


On December 21, 2000, at PWTW, I obtained a master's degree in theology in the field of Church history based on a thesis entitled Zawartość i problematyka czasopisma „Ład Boży” w latach 1945-1985, written for the seminar in the history of the Church, run by Rev. Professor Ludwik Królik, Ph.D. hab, of PWTW. Because of the death of my MA thesis’ supervisor, Rev. Henryk Małecki, Ph.D. took over the supervision. On March 27, 2003, by the decision of PWTW Council of John the Baptist Section, I obtained a Licentiate according to Church law, in theology in the field of the Church history.

I got the second MA in canon law on June 18, 2008 at the Faculty of Canon Law of the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University (UKSW) based on the dissertation „Iurisdictio” i „facultas” do spowiadania według prawa powszechnego oraz partykularnego Archidiecezji Warszawskiej od Kodeksu prawa kanonicznego z 1917, written under the supervision of UKSW Associate Professor Rev. Zbigniew Janczewski, Ph.D. hab.

I received a doctorate in legal sciences in the field of canon law at UKSW on April 27, 2010 on the basis of the dissertation Osoba szafarza i przyjmującego sakrament Eucharystii w uchwałach Synodów Archidiecezji Warszawskiej, also written under the supervision of UKSW Associate Professor Rev. Zbigniew Janczewski, Ph.D. hab. The reviewers of the doctoral thesis were: Rev. Professor Wiesław Wenz, Ph.D. hab. of PWT in Wrocław and UKSW Associate Professor Wojciech Necel, Ph.D. hab.

I received the title of Doctor Habilitatus in legal sciences in the field of canon law at UKSW on December 11, 2018 on the basis of the dissertation Problem ważności przyjęcia sakramentu święceń w prawie Kościoła katolickiego (The Problem of the Validity of the Sacrament of Holy Orders in the Law of the Catholic Church). The reviewers were: US Associate Professor Rev. Kazimierz Dullak, Ph.D. hab.; Rev. Professor Józef Krzywda, Ph.D. hab., of UPJPII in Krakow; Rev. Professor Henryk Stawniak, Ph.D. hab., of UKSW in Warsaw. In 2019, I completed postgraduate studies in substantive and procedural criminal law at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. In 2020 I completed my second post-graduate course of study in evidentiary law at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Jagiellonian University organized in cooperation with the Forensic Expertise Institute in Krakow.

On May 14, 2020 at the request of the PWTW Senate I was appointed by the PWTW Great Chancellor Cardinal Kazimierz Nycz, Metropolitan Archbishop of Warsaw, to the position of Pontifical Faculty of Theology Associate Professor in Warszaw. Previously, on April 29, 2020, the Congregation for Catholic Education granted a Nihil Obstat to this nomination.

Employment in academic units

From October 1, 2010 to May 13, 2020 I was employed at PWTW St. John the Baptist Section (currently AKW) as an adjunct (Assistant Professor). Since May 14, 2020 I have been employed as an Associate Professor. Throughout this period, I have been actively involved in the organizational activities of the university.

In the years 2011-2020, at the PWTW Collegium Joanneum, I was the Deputy Head for Education in charge of the Master’s Part-Time Programme, and in the years 2017-2020 – also the Deputy Head for Education in charge of the Postgraduate Programme in Catechetics.

Academic achievements

My academic achievements, after the doctorate, consist of the following: postdoctoral dissertation, forty scientific articles (including two articles, which are reprints of parts of my doctoral thesis, one article is the reprint of parts of my master's thesis; thirty-five research articles were published and reviewed in scientific journals, five were published and reviewed as a part of collective work), four scientific reviews, and one report. All the works were published and reviewed in scientific journals. Their full list has been included to the documentation below.

I was a participant in twenty conferences, actively participated in nine conferences (including one international), and was actively involved in preparing six thematic symposia. I am a reviewer of the journal “Bielańskie Studia Teologiczne”, thematic editor of the legal texts of the journal “Warszawskie Studia Teologiczne“ and a member of two scientific associations. I have numerous didactic achievements in popularizing science.

The subject of my research to date has largely focused on various aspects of sacramental law. However, this material does not exhaust the whole field of my academic activity. My publications also concern: temporal goods of the Church, ecclesiastical criminal law (procedural and material), procedural marriage law, Church-state law and the theory of law. This division is purely theoretical, because when conducting scientific research, one cannot limit oneself to a single area of church law.

My scientific interests were largely influenced by the posts entrusted to me by the Metropolitan Archbishop of Warsaw: as clerk of the Warsaw Metropolitan Curia delegated to work at the Department of Sacramental Affairs (2006 – 2007), as notary of the Warsaw Metropolitan Curia (2007 – 2010), and as judge of the Metropolitan Bishopric Court in Warsaw (2010 – 2013). Therefore, my research mainly concerned legal problems that the clergy and myself, as an employee of an episcopal curia or church court, were facing in practice.